Friday, May 27, 2011

31 Days of May ~ Day 27

27.  Why are you doing this challenge.
I'm not very good at posting a lot, maybe once a week.  We're boring and don't have much going on.  So I thought this would be good way to post more at least for one month.  It also sounded like fun.  I had fun thinking of things for each day and subject.  It was challenging but I really enjoyed doing it.  And since this challenge is only 30 days and there are 31 days in May,  I need suggestions for the last day.  So if you want to, leave me a comment of something you would want to know about me.


Anonymous said...

just start from the beginning!! anything no one knows, but you're not embarrassed to tell!! :)

Vicki said...

Ya know a fun thing to look back on someday will be the house you lived in and the cars you drive??? So when you 100 you can look back and say " oooo remeber that tiny fifth wheel we lived in when we were going to school" HaHa thats my story! Anyway just a thought???