Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Animal Day With The Boys

Last weekend my mom and I went with Brittiney and the boys to Baby Animal Days.  Brittiney's parents and sister came with us, too.  It was kind of cold and windy but we had lots of fun.  Branson wasn't really into petting any of the animals or being around them at all.  He was more into acting silly and kicking poop on Brittiney's feet!  I don't know how the girl handles those two boys, they keep her so busy and she does great!
We had a couple of Branson breakdowns.  But overall he did really good and was happy!
And Gavin was so smiley and happy the whole time.
And he threw up on Grandma!
We got to see some adorable baby bears that were there from Bear World.  They had three 3 month old baby bears.  The guy said they each weighed about 10 pounds and would get up to about 500 pounds.  They were so cute!
Brittiney put some tattoos on both the boys.  Branson got his in the middle of his forehead.
And Gavin got his on his cheek.
The sun came out towards the end of the day and it was so nice and warm!!  We had a great time being with Brittiney and they boys.
And a little update on my half marathon training.  It's been going really good and I've gotten better at running long distances at a time.  I haven't been able to train for the past week due to being sick, but I'll be back at it starting tomorrow.  I've got lots of running to catch up on!


Anonymous said...

so cute!!!! Love the little bears... and the awesome tattoos!!!

Ang said...

I loved baby animal days! We missed the bears though so I was sad. Good luck on your marathon training!