Last night I went out with two of my best friends from high school,
Jessie and
Vicki. We went to Fredrico's and caught up on each others lives. I really haven't seen them in so long, it's been years! After dinner we wanted to go see a movie but all the movies here start before 7 pm and we were too late for that, and the next showing isn't until around 9 pm and I had to work the next day. So we decided to go see Twilight, again because we all love it, at the cheap seats but it was
sold out! So we just went to Cold Stone and got some
yummy ice cream and talked and laughed some more. I brought my camera but forgot to take a picture of us.
It was so fun to see them, I have so many fun memories of them. A lot of them are from dancing since Vicki and I were on a dance team together since we were like 9 or 10, then all three of us were on our high school's drill team together. Playing Barbies with Vicki and my little brother and sister
had to tag along. All the fun times the three of us had on our drill team. Our fun and crazy weekend nights! All the sleep overs, lots of fun memories. I love those girls. We really need to get together more often.